Monday, February 20, 2012

Mucho Take it Eeeesssay

Allllllllrighty thennnn. Officially a little over three weeks in Ireland. Still loving it. Still getting better each day. Growing in the Lord. I know I am in a great place right now (mentally and literally) but I am trying not to be content so that i can continue to make strides both in my life and more importantly in my relationship with God. God shows Himself through so many different things when you are living in Ireland. For instance, this sunset on Valentines Day...

This is taken from our back porch. What the smokes

It has also been great going around town and finding those places where you can get familiar with and just kind of escape to. there are a ton of little coffee shops to go to that are just a few minutes away. here is one of the most popular places in Greystones called the Happy Pear. It is an awesome place that sells really organic type things, but also super legit coffee/hot chocolate/lunch food.

Happy Pear. Super Legit.

And then by special request... here is the upper room at the Greystones library. Just this little room with a huge window that overlooks the sea. Probably the best/worst place to go to read or study or anything of that nature. I went there today for an hour to read and i think i read three pages.

But. Those three pages were da bessss main. Our guys small group is reading Mere Christianity right now and I am loving it. I read half of the book last year on my own but i had to stop because i knew i was not reading the book the way it should be read: slowly. And therefore i am now taking my time to depict C.S. Lewis' work of art. It is nuts. Definitely a must read for the half-convinced or those who are wrestling/searching in their Faith.

Since my last post a ton has happened. Some of the highlights include our Valentines Day party we had with each other. We had a "Polygadate" where each of the five guys each got to escort four different girls to the kitchen where we had dinner and then danced. We all had to dress as awkward as possible. So i hope that explains pictures put up of me on Facebook dressed in Under Armour and Sockos (Chocos with socks). I have been helping out with the youth group here that the kids of our program leaders go to. Thats fun. After being involved in youth group for so long, it is funny to see how it is different here. it's crazy but still so fun. And one of my favorite things is that i got to see some of my great friends in Adam Donyes and Seth Higgins from Kanakuk Link Year since they are in Ireland this month. We met up in Dublin and had a great day. Just a few hours with those guys is enough to encourage me immensely. Plus it got me pumped to work at Kanakuk K2 this summer! I am super pumped. But without a doubt my favorite thing this past week was Skyping with my Mom for a couple hours on Friday night. Once i got past the painful e-mailing back and forth with her on how to set up Skype, she nailed it. So good to talk to her. I miss her and my dad so much. and my whole family for that matter. I am not homesick necessarily, I just miss my family. And I miss everyone from Taylor so much. It is hard when you start to get really close with some guys, then leave. But I know God's timing in this is perfect and I get to go back for 3 years! So excited. I love all you guys. But dont get me wrong, I love it here and am beyond blessed.

Still been hitting the Word, hard. And prayer is definitely appreciated that i would stay disciplined while I am over here. I want to grow personally over here so much, and there are also ways to encourage others and lead them as well but I know God is working in me so much. But pack to the Word. The Psalms are rocking my body. So is Acts. Love how it all points back to the Gospel which i usually end up in with my quiet time each morning. I am going through a huge Lecrae/Tedashii/Trip Lee phase right now (Christian Rap). I have always loved their music. But I am starting to realize how theologically loaded their lyrics are and it honestly has been a huge encouragement to me. especially when i run. And apparently Jeremy Lin loves Lecrae too haha. without Sportscenter or anything like that i have been reading about him on the internet. What a story. i love it. But even they always point back to the Gospel, which is where I will finish. Convicted me this morning, sorry it isn't happy, but it is Truth. 

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within are full of dead people's bones and all uncleanness.  So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness." - Matthew 22:27-28

Love and praying for all you guys!

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