Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What uuuuuup friends. And Mom. And Sarah. And Dad. And Matthew and Lindsay and Drew and Julie and Grant. And David and Annie and Ruthie and Lillian and Naomi and Sarah's mystery baby. Well Ireland is still super legiiiit and getting better every day. seriously at the beginning it is kind of hard because you are getting so far out of your comfort zone. Not to mention jetlag. But every day that goes by I am resting assured that God has me right where He wants me. And He has plenty of material on this island to remind me every day of that fact. Here are a few examples from when me and some friends went on a famous cliff walk from my town of Greystones to the town just north of us, Bray.

Annnnnd i have spent two days in Dublin so far and this is my first time where we went around and it was soooo legit! i love Dublin. we also went last Friday but I did not take my camera. The place is quite a gem. Chalk full of everything you could possibly think of.

Here is the famous Trinity College. I found out it was famous when i got here. so that was neat.

Im real bad at taking pictures. But it has been fun using my new camera. 

Other than all that the trip is incredible. I know that my expectations have been exceeded as far as my first post goes. I am growing so much in Lord already and know that is only going to continue. I am so blessed that I am in this place. And the community is so good. I love the group that I am with. It is very girl heavy, but they are all pretty down to earth and there are not any blatant crazies. So thats great. The facility we are at is like 180 years old. It is called the YWCA and has two houses. one for the guys and one for the girls. Probably the worst part about our house is the shower situation. Pretty much all it is is this button that you push and the shower runs for 15 seconds, then it turns off and you have to hit the button again. haha. It is ridiculous. Slash awesome. I've been dominating the town of Greystones as far as running goes. I have been pretty consistent which I am excited about. The sea is too great to pass up running alongside. My early morning runs are the best (when i can get myself out of bed) to finish off my runs by sitting on a bench and watching the sunrise. I cant describe it. But I know this is probably the only time I will live by the sea, so im soaking it in. Classes are good. I'm learning about St. Patrick which is pretty sweet actually. He was a boss. But our schedule is really relaxed. We have class for like 2-3 hours in the morning then can pretty much do what we want in the evening: Run, go get coffee, go to Dublin, learn Rugby rules, and read a ton. (Matthew, it is nice)


Meditating hard on this verse lately...

But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone. - Matthew 15:18-20

Get in the Word and fill your heart with the Goods.



1 comment:

  1. I AM SO ECSTATIC O'Severns!!!! Great post- Thanks for sharing. Love that ur reading up in Matthew. I cannot think of a MORE sweeter atmosphere than chewing and meditating on Scrip while looking over the Irish Sea. Those green rolling hills basked in morning dew....C'MON !!! Thats sweet. It sounds like u r there with a good group who stays outta trouble. We saw some sick street performers in Dublin, stay outta the circles when crowds gather- theres always a 3rd or 4th party to their group hitting up the tourist's pockets and purses while the shows going on. Even though ur like the toughest guy i know. Also we did this partial hike somewhere up to see St. Patricks statue. It goes on up this big mountain, and at the top is a chapel, the cool thing is church begins at sunrise and traditionally people climb barefoot! Right up ur alley bro! Anyway, i love u man- we love u! Keep posting ur adventures!!! -G Baby O' Saurus
